HE_I_P: Health Sciences I. Posters
A combination of capabilities, tools and processes has been developed in regards to implementing and to study adaptation pathways. Adaptation pathways diagnose interactions of uncertain parameters, and offers an adaptive solution for any systems of rules with substantial conflicting values and substantial complex decisions. This paper introduces the adaptation pathway method, mainly to help build a better understanding in two-folds. Firstly, for addressing climate change challenges, and sorting out how socio-economic and environmental policy pressures is contributing to climate change improvements. Secondly, the adaptation pathway incites hypothesis in regards to understanding decision choices made available for policy makers and managers - regarding the need for system change effecting the healthcare sector that has any co-relation to climate change motivations. In the case of accounting different scenarios and pathways points linking between healthcare and climate-based factors, the adaptation pathways is much more dynamic; as compared to other more direct economic sectors. The six steps Adaptation Support Tool (AST) is included as an applied example, to explore any risks and any climate vulnerability pointing towards "adaptation parameters" and any system change features.
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