MH_II_L: Mental Health Sciences II. Lectures
Introduction: Infertility is a global burden affecting every 10th couple of reproductive age in the world and in Hungary. As a chronic disease, it takes a toll on couples’ mental health, mainly in the form of depression or anxiety. It is recommended in international guidelines that couples presenting at assisted reproduction clinics be screened for psychological impairments, and those showing considerable levels of depression or anxiety be offered psychological help. This procedure is not yet part of Hungarian reproductive care.
Aims: To develop a questionnaire in Hungarian for the quick and reliable psychological screening of assisted reproduction treatment (ART) patients.
Methods: The ScreenIVF questionnaire recommended by the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embriology was professionally translated into Hungarian and administered to 383 female patients of the Assisted Reproduction Centre at Semmelweis University, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, along with several other questionnaires. Reliability and validity of the ScreenIVF was tested statistically.
Results: The Hungarian version of the ScreenIVF has been found to be a reliable and valid tool for the screening of potentially clinical levels of depression and anxiety among ART-patients.
Conclusion: The Hungarian version of the ScreenIVF is ready to be introduced as a single measure to sensitively and specifically identify psychologically vulnerable ART-patients, who can then be offered tailored professional support.
Funding: No funding (other than Semmelweis University stipend) to be declared.
Semmelweis University, Doctoral School of Mental Health Sciences