PhD Scientific Days 2023

Budapest, 22-23 June 2023

Health Sciences I.

Breastfeeding Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior, And Intention Toward Breastfeeding Among Female Students at Damascus University

Text of the abstract

Breastfeeding Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior, And Intention Toward Breastfeeding Among Female Students at Damascus University

Background: Breastfeeding in Syria has been facing some challenges since the war started. However, young ladies in society, especially educated ones represent an important stratum to understanding knowledge, behaviors, and intention. This study shows the attitude, behaviors, and knowledge about breastfeeding among female students at Damascus University, and their intentions to exclusive breastfeeding in the future.
Objective: The objective of this study was to gather more recent data regarding breastfeeding behaviors, attitudes, and intentions to breastfeed among university female students.
Methods: The methodology for this study on breastfeeding in Syria involved a quantitative research approach and will utilize a statistical analysis with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software. This study was conducted in October and November 2022 at Damascus University. Two main faculties were included in the survey: the faculty of pharmacy and the faculty of literature and human science. The sample of participants was 317 female students (154 non-medical students and 163 medical students). All the participants were female. The students were bachelor’s, master’s, and Ph.D. students (252 bachelor’s, 45 master’s, and 20 Ph.D. students). A multi-section questionnaire was applied to the participants. The questionnaire includes three modules that indicate the breastfeeding attitude (measured by The Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale), behaviors (measured by The Breastfeeding Behavior Questionnaire), and intention (measured by the Breastfeeding Intention Scales)
Results: All participants; medical and non-medical students had average breastfeeding behavior assessed by The Breastfeeding Behavior Questionnaire. In addition, both had a positive attitude toward Breastfeeding, but medical students had better knowledge about breastfeeding and infant nutrition than non-medical students according to The Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale. On the other hand, both had a very strong Infant Feeding Intention for the future.
Further analysis and interpretation of the data will be conducted to draw meaningful conclusions and provide evidence-based recommendations for promoting breastfeeding in Syria.
Conclusion: The findings of this study on breastfeeding in Syria are expected to contribute to the existing knowledge of breastfeeding practices in the country. The results may shed light on specific knowledge gaps, misconceptions, and challenges faced by Syrian mothers in relation to breastfeeding. By identifying country-specific disparities and barriers to breastfeeding, these findings can provide important insights for developing culture-specific interventions to promote breastfeeding practices in Syria.
Keywords: breastfeeding, attitude, behavior, intention, Syria, university students, female