PhD Scientific Days 2023

Budapest, 22-23 June 2023

Pharmaceutical Sciences - Posters E

Effect sugar cores and active pharmaceutical ingredient osmolality on the release of multiparticulate dosage form

Text of the abstract

Pharmaceutical pellets are frequently utilized in drug delivery systems because they are adaptable and easy to formulate. However, one challenge in pellet formulation is the possibility of changes in their osmolarity. This may have an impact on how the drug is released and how stable it remains. It is essential to understand the factors that influence osmolarity change in pharmaceutical pellets to ensure their effectiveness.
Development of active ingredient modified release sugar seed pellets by fluidization processes. Furthermore, to investigate the osmolality inside the pellet during leaching.
To create the pellets, a fluid bed (Aeromatic STREA-I. Aeromatic-Fielder AG, Switzerland;) coater was utilized. On the starting inert sugar beads (Pharma spheres with a particle size range: of 710-850 µm) the model active pharmaceutical ingredient (API: Diclofenac sodium salt) was layered along with the appropriate layering settings for further coating with permeable polymer dispersion (Eudragit RS 30D). Dissolution studies (Hanson SR8-Plus™, Hanson Research, USA) of the pellets were carried out directly after the formulation. Osmolarity measurements were made along whit the dissolution study, using a freezing point depression osmometer (Knauer-OSMO 2320, Germany).
The osmolarity profiles of the drug-loaded, drug-free, and coated inert core pellets were compared.
The drug-loaded pellets and the coated inert cores showed identical osmolarity profiles during the dissolution study. The drug-free pellets profile was slightly different but the difference was not significantly affecting the dissolution study. Overall, the results suggest that the inert sugar core used to formulate pharmaceutical pellets can significantly impact their osmolarity, which may be beneficial for certain drug delivery applications.
Our findings demonstrate the importance of understanding how the sugar core can influence the osmolarity of pharmaceutical pellets. By taking this into account during the formulation process, it may be possible to optimize the effectiveness of drug delivery systems. Further research is necessary to explore the potential benefits of using different types of sugar cores in pellet formulation.
This study was funded by the SE250+ fellowship.