PhD Scientific Days 2023

Budapest, 22-23 June 2023

Mental Health Sciences - Posters M

Patients about Patient Safety

Text of the abstract

Introduction: Nowadays, the role of patients has changed, and their participation in the healthcare system has become essential to create patient safety.
Aims: The review aims to present the relationship and knowledge of the patients regarding patient safety, from the patient’s point of view.
Methods: In the literature research processed 55 relevant articles from international, English-language articles published between 2017 and 2021.
Result: A unified framework regarding the patients’ side was not found. The information was categorized based on four dimensions (the role of the patients, needs, knowledge, and experience) and processed with the researcher's interpretation. The examined research results highlighted that in many areas related to patient safety, the recognition level of the patients is low. Good communication between healthcare workers and patients, mutual information sharing, and education, which significantly increase patient safety, proved to be prominent topics.
Conclusion: Empathic communication, an atmosphere that creates emotional safety, and increased patient knowledge are essential tools for encouraging patient involvement. Patient involvement in care has a positive effect on the quality of care. The role of the relatives is also not a negligible area. In patient safety, the involvement of the patients and strengthening their role, which is essential for safe care, needs improvement. The implementation of comprehensive education programs would be justified both for the healthcare workers and for the patients.
Funding: The research was not supported by fundings.