PhD Scientific Days 2023

Budapest, 22-23 June 2023

Health Sciences II.

Predictive factors of intention to use non-immersive virtual reality in an intradialysis physical exercise program

Text of the abstract

INTRODUCTION: Physical exercise improves physical function and quality of life of patients on hemodialysis (HD). There is low participation of these in exercise programs. Growing evidence suggests that new modalities of intervention through virtual reality (VR) could stimulate user participation and adherence during dialysis sessions. To promote exercise, we must first understand the factors that predict human behavior, to consider them when developing interventions. Few studies have shown the association between these factors and the use of VR in exercise programs. OBJECTIVE OF STUDY: To determine the predictive capacity of variables associated with theories of human behavior on the intention to use VR in an intradialysis exercise program. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Cross-sectional predictive correlational study; HD patients older than 18 years from 5 Chilean cities. A questionnaire with items associated with culturally translated and validated theories of human behavior was administered. To examine the relationship between variables, the structural equation analysis model (SEM) was used through SMART PLS program (v.3.3.3). RESULTS: 283 patients (56.5% M; 43.5% F) were surveyed among 5 centers, with an age range between 51-70 years (60.5%), 78.1% of those surveyed stated that they did not know or have ever used VR. The study revealed that, from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2), the Personal Innovation construct (PIIT) [β=0.277(P=0.037)] had a direct positive influence on Perceived Enjoyment (UTAUT/UTAUT2), and the latter, in turn, a significant influence on VR Intention to Use (UI) [β=0.691(P=0.001)]. On the other hand, the Self-Avoidance Objectives (OAE) construct had a significant influence on Physical Activity Self-efficacy (ES) [β=0.466 (P=0.001] and the latter had a direct positive influence on Perceived Enjoyment [β=0.297 (P=0.006).] CONCLUSIONS: The preliminary results of this study show a strong influence of the constructs of personal innovation and perceived enjoyment on the intention to use technology in a dialysis exercise program, where shows that the more the person enjoys what they are doing, the greater their intention to use the technology. The SEM Model turns out to be a very useful tool for predicting health results, these studies should be the starting point for any type of intervention through technology.