PhD Scientific Days 2024

Budapest, 9-10 July 2024

Poster Session M - Cardiovascular Medicine and Research 1.

ECG features of left ventricular noncompaction with preserved function in the light of cardiac MR and genetics

Text of the abstract

Little literature on the ECG characteristics of primary left ventricular noncompaction (LVNC) with preserved left ventricular function (EF) is available.

We aimed to compare the ECG characteristics and cardiac MR parameters of LVNC individuals with preserved left ventricular EF to a control (C) group, to identify sex-specific differences, and to compare the genetic subgroups of LVNC with each other and with a C population.

In our study, we selected 69 LVNC individuals (EF > 50%, 29 women, mean age 38±14 years) without any comorbidities and compared them to 69 sex- and age-matched C subjects (29 women, mean age 38±14 years). We analysed the pattern of the 12-lead ECG recordings and averaged the length and amplitude of the notable waves, segments and intervals from 5 beats. We determined the volumetric and functional parameters as well as the muscle and trabecular mass values of the left and right ventricles (LV, RV) on cardiac MR recordings. The LVNC population was divided into 3 subgroups based on genotype: pathogenic, variant of uncertain significance and benign.

Comparing the MR results, we found the LV volumetric parameters of the LVNC population to be within the normal range yet, similar to the trabecular mass, significantly elevated compared to the C group. In the ECG analysis of the LVNC population, we found significantly wider QRS, prolonged QTc and higher RV Sokolow index (SI) in the LVNC group compared to the C subjects (LVNC vs C; QRS: 105.7±16 vs. 99.5±11 ms; QTc: 423.3±37 vs. 407.3±25 ms; RV_SI: 7.2±4 vs. 5.3±3 mm). When comparing the sexes, the QRS duration, and the LV and RV SI, were more pronounced in men, but the QTc duration was longer in women. When comparing MR and ECG parameters between genetic subgroups, only the QTc showed a significant difference.

The LVNC group had within normal but elevated volumetric and altered ECG parameters, indicating the need for follow-up of this population, even with preserved EF.

Funding: TKP2021-NKTA-46, TKP2021-NKTA, RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00004, SE250+
Semmelweis University
Dr. Andrea Szűcs Ph.D.