PhD Scientific Days 2024

Budapest, 9-10 July 2024

Poster Session H - Theoretical and Translational Medicine 1.

Microbiota-gut-brain axis: fUS Detection of Inflammatory Connectome Changes

Text of the abstract

Aims: (a)To identify the different elements, constituents, and building blocks of microbial cells in the CNS and (b) To identify the measurable effects of these by imaging in vivo using different molecular imaging readouts in SPECT, functional ultrasound, and PET using an E. coli model bacteria system
Method: Iconeus One equipment was used for fUS. The anesthetized mouse was placed in a stereotaxic frame. Coupling gel was applied on the shaved surface of the mouse. Using Iconeus software, the probe was carefully positioned on the top of the ultrasound gel. First selected, the live view acquisition mode followed by the angiographic 3D scan option. Next, we selected the hippocampus and the striatum as landmarks of brain imaging. We studied the effect of LPS administration on the brain using fUS.
Results: Angio 3D scan is automatically registered to a reference template of mouse brain. Three views show the superposition of the vasculature and the mouse brain Allen atlas in the coronal, sagittal, and axial views. We observed changes in hippocampus region of the brain after LPS challenge
Conclusion: fUS is suitable technique to study the LPS induced changes in the brain.
Funding: European Union under project H2020-SmartAge grant Nr. 859890.