PhD Scientific Days 2024

Budapest, 9-10 July 2024


9-10 July 2024


Semmelweis University, Basic Medical Science Center
Address: H-1094 Budapest, Tűzoltó u. 37-47.


Program at a glance

9 July (click to zoom)

10 July (click to zoom)


Abstract submission: 9 May 2024 20 May 2024

Abstract submission

Abstracts can be submitted via the online submission form. Publication will be published in the online Abstract Volume of the conference, so please follow the following guidelines:

The text should be divided to the following sections: Introduction, Aims, Methods, Result, Conclusion and Funding.

The language of the abstract should be English.

The abstract should not exceed 2400 characters including spaces. After the body text of the abstract please indicate:

  • your e-mail address
  • the name of the University
  • the name of the Supervisor
  • Please specify whether it is preferred to be presented as an oral presentation or a poster.

    Abstract submission is closed.

    Information for authors of oral presentations

    Oral presentations will be 10 minutes long followed by 5 minutes discussion. Slides can be presented in PowerPoint or Prezi.
    Due to the large number of presentations and posters at the event all authors are requested to send their slides in a Microsoft PowerPoint file to from 15 June to 4 July to avoid delays due to slide uploads onsite.

    Information for authors of poster presentations

    Poster size: max. A0 (841 mm by 1189 mm). Orientation: portrait
    Posters can be put up in the morning of the day of the presentation, and must be dismantled at the end of the scientific program of the given day.
    Printed posters will be displayed on poster boards, authors should be available at their posters during the respective poster viewing session. Poster presentations will be 3 minutes long followed by 2 minutes discussion.

    Information for all authors

    The language of the slides and posters should be English.
    The language of the presentation can be English or Hungarian, up to the choice of the presenter.

    Best presentations will be awarded.


    Those PhD students of Semmelweis University who take the conference as a PhD course will receive maximum 3 credit points as follows:

    3 successful exam tests: 1 credit (40% should be achieved individually for each test and 60% for the 3 tests in total) OR
    4 successful exam tests (50% for the 4 tests in total)

    Please note that credit point(s) can only be awarded in case of in-person participation.


    Abstracts can be submitted by PhD and MD-PhD students and members of the Students' Scientific Association of Semmelweis University. This is the institutional conference for holders of ÚNKP, SE250+ and KDP fellowships for whom the participation is obligatory according to their contracts.

    Register here

    Opening hours of the registration desk

    Tuesday, 9 July: 7:30-17:00
    Wednesday, 10 July: 7:30-17:00


    Should you have any questions regarding scientific issues please contact the PhD Office directly:
    Semmelweis University
    Krisztina Tölgyesi Lovász

    For technical matters please contact the Conference Secretariat directly:
    K&M Congress Ltd.
    H-1064 Budapest, Podmaniczky u. 75.
    telephone: +36-1-3012000
    e-mail: send a message