PhD Scientific Days 2023

Budapest, 22-23 June 2023

Translational Medicine - Posters P

10:30 – 10:35 Rancz, Anett
Risk Factors of Microscopic Colitis: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
10:36 – 10:41 Németh, Zsuzsanna
Complement MASP-1 influences endothelial wound healing
10:42 – 10:47 Bálint, Tímea
Proteomic Alterations in Left Ventricular Myocardium are Characteristically different in Chronic Heart failure induced by Pressure and Volume Overload
10:48 – 10:53 Shailaja, Kanni Das
Use of Cu-64 to Radiolabel and Track Bacterial Outer Membrane Vesicles In Vivo With PET
10:54 – 10:59 Vágó-Szincsák, Sára
Bacterial Urine Proteome might Predict Immunotherapy Outcomes in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients
11:00 – 11:05 Fülöp, Ágnes
Pretreatment with NAD+ Precursor (NMN) Attenuates Ischemic Injury and Improves Postischemic Cardiac Function in Aged Mouse Hearts
11:06 – 11:11 Balla, Helga
Signal Transduction Pathways of Muscarinic Receptors in the Murine Urinary Bladder
11:12 – 11:17 Accinno, Matteo
CD62Llow Eosinophils Correlate with Clinical Outcomes of Asthma and Chronic Rhinosinusitis and in Vivo/in Vitro Effect of Mepolizumab on Eosinophil Subpopulations
11:18 – 11:23 Palmieri, Francesco
Promotion of Fibroblast-Myofibroblast Transition Through Modulation of Polyacrilamide Hydrogel Stiffness
11:24 – 11:29 Chahwan, Valeria
Role of Sirpa in Post-Septic Pulmonary Immunity
11:30 – 11:35 Ramírez Pavez, Tamara N.
Sulforaphane is able to Regulate the Activity of both M1 and M2 Human Macrophage Phenotypes
11:36 – 11:41 Barta, Bálint András
Lasso-based feature selection identifies active relaxation as the most informative left ventricular parameter for proteomic perturbations during myocardial remodeling and reverse-remodeling