PhD Scientific Days 2023

Budapest, 22-23 June 2023


Abbas, Anna
Studying the effect of cariprazine in induced neurons directly reprogrammed from fibroblasts of Huntington's disease patientss

Accinno, Matteo
CD62Llow Eosinophils Correlate with Clinical Outcomes of Asthma and Chronic Rhinosinusitis and in Vivo/in Vitro Effect of Mepolizumab on Eosinophil Subpopulations

Ádám, Bertalan
The Retrospective Evaluation of the Pharmaceutical Therapies at Karolina Hospital via Text Mining Technology

Ádám, Misák
AT1R Ligand Binding Mechanism Characterization With Well-Tempered Metadynamics

Ádám, Szőnyi
Effect of Age, Sex, and Cardiovascular Risk Factors on the Geometric Characteristics of the Aortoiliac (AI) Segment

Alhour, Husamalddin
Resting-state functional connectivity correlates of mental fatigue

Alkamsheh, Manar
Breastfeeding Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior, And Intention Toward Breastfeeding Among Female Students at Damascus University

Aloss, Kenan
Modulated Electro Hyperthermia Enhances the Delivery and Antitumor Effects of Doxorubicin Encapsulated in Lyso-thermosensitive Liposome in 4T1 Mouse Model

Alpár, Alán
The Fourth Musketeer - Secretagogin, a Calcium-binding Protein Typifies Distinct Cell Populations and Functions in the Mammalian Brain

Angyal, Mária Mercédesz
The added value of the gastrointestinal problems, cognition, sleep, tiredness, and diet bolt-on dimensions to the EQ-5D-5L in patients with coeliac disease

Angyal, Viola
Overview of health screenings in Hungary

Antali, Flóra
Assessment of Peripheral Pulse Wave Analysis in Estimating Cardiac Ejection Time

Arnóth, Bence
Efficacy of Early Pulmonary Vein Isolation in Patients with Heart Failure

Árva, Dorottya
A Unified, Quantitative-Qualitative Method for Exploring the Biopsychosocial Understanding of Health

Babity, Mate
Relationship between Short-term Heart Rate Variability and Fitness Parameters among Youth National Water Polo Players

Bagdy-Bálint, Réka
Importance of structured data in health care

Baglyas, Márton
Antimicrobial Potential of Two Diterpenes Isolated from Rough Goldenrod (Solidago rugosa Mill.) against Plant Pathogens

Baksa, Dániel
Chronotype Affects Physical and Mental Health Status of Migraineurs

Balázs, Csoma
Past acute exacerbations predict future relapses in patients with chronic hypercapnic COPD receiving long-term non-invasive ventilation

Balázs-Németh, Krisztina
The effect of the ApoB-rich protein corona on the biodistribution of extracellular vesicles

Balbisi, Mirjam
Exploring Proteomics and Glycosaminoglycan Profiles in ALK Rearranged Lung Tumor Samples

Báldy, Barbara
Patients about Patient Safety

Balint, Basa
The Comparison of Conventionally and Additively Manufactured Tablets

Bálint, Eszter
Psychophysiology of human-horse interaction in equine-assisted interventions – A pilot study

Bálint, Tímea
Proteomic Alterations in Left Ventricular Myocardium are Characteristically different in Chronic Heart failure induced by Pressure and Volume Overload

Balla, Dorottya
Study of the Tissue Characteristics of the Athlete's Heart Using Native Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Balla, Helga
Signal Transduction Pathways of Muscarinic Receptors in the Murine Urinary Bladder

Balog, Vera
Regional cerebral oxygenation changes during neonatal anesthesia

Balogh, David
Investigating the risk factors for suicidal behavior in patients with borderline personality disorder

Balogh, Lili
The role of Dectin-2 in the development of antibody-induced experimental dermatitis

Balogh, Olivér
Generative Machine Learning Framework for the Prediction of Links in PPI Networks

Balogh-Molnár, Andrea
Different Phosphorylation States of Native Titin Filaments Visualized by Atomic Force Microscopy

Bányai, Bálint
Effect of CB-1 receptor deficiency on morphological and functional changes in relaxation mechanisms of the female mouse aortic wall

Baranyi, Marcell
Development of tumor-stroma co-cultures – lessons from 3D cultures of stable normal cell lines

Bárdos, Vivien
Effects of commonly used pharmaceutical excipients on permeability and solubility in the case of Naproxen sodium

Barna, Ádám Tibor
Effect sugar cores and active pharmaceutical ingredient osmolality on the release of multiparticulate dosage form

Barsi, Szilvia
A large-scale statistical model inferring receptor activities from gene expression provides insights into intercellular communication

Barta, Bálint András
Lasso-based feature selection identifies active relaxation as the most informative left ventricular parameter for proteomic perturbations during myocardial remodeling and reverse-remodeling

Bartha, Áron
Proteome and transcriptome analysis of healthy kidney tissue and clear cell renal cell carcinoma

Bartos, Marton
Introduction of a new 3D printing technology at the point-of-care

Bátai, Bence
Genome-wide profiling of copy number alterations in primary cutaneous follicle center lymphoma using shallow whole-genome sequencing

Becsei, Lilla
Who wants to be an engineer? Context of secondary school students' STEM further education plans

Becske, Melinda
Multivariate Analysis of Cognitive Deficits and Their Electrophysiological Correlates in Schizophrenia

Bedford, Rebecca
A link to the future! Linkers to increase potency of Ru(II) piano-stool complexes

Bedics, Gábor
ATRX-deficient IDH-wildtype adult high-grade gliomas display novel, clinically relevant genetic patterns by comprehensive genomic profiling

Behon, Anett
Non-progressors to cardiac resynchronization therapy show long-term mortality benefit compared to progressors

Bekő, Anna
Optical Genome Mapping in Acute Leukaemias: First Hungarian Experience with the Digital Cytogenomics

Benczik, Bettina
Network Dynamical Framework to Model Sponging Effect in Post-transcriptional Regulation and to Improve Non-coding RNA Target Prediction

Benelli, Alberto
Frequency-dependent reduction of cyber-sickness in Virtual Reality by transcranial oscillatory stimulation of the vestibular cortex

Benkó, Beáta Mária
Paving the Path for Disulfiram Anticancer Repositioning

Bereczki, Ferenc
The Effect of Screw PMMA Augmentation on the Primary Stability of Different Implants Used in Oblique Lumbar Interbody Fusion with Normal and Osteoporotic Bone Quality – a Finite Element Assisted Study

Berente, Dalida Borbála
Alteration of Visuospatial System in MCI – Which Brain Regions are Affected?

Berta, Blanka
The Effect of SARS-CoV-2 E Protein on the SERCA Regulatory System

Bocskai, Gábor
Maturation of sleep spindles in typically developing adolescents as revealed by HD-EEG

Bod, Réka
Automated Detection of Spontaneous Population Activity on Human In Vitro Recordings

Bódi, Bernadett
Posttraumatic Growth among Intensive Care Professionals during the COVID-19 Outbreak

Bodnár, Katalin
Investigation of cytokine imbalance in schizophrenia, assessment of the possible role of serum cytokine levels in predicting treatment response, prognosis and psychotic relapses

Bokhari, Syeda Mahak Zahra
Digoxin mediated inhibition of potential hypoxia related angiogenic repair in murine triple-negative breast cancer tumors treated with modulated electro-hyperthermia (mEHT)

Borbély, Ruben Zsolt
Time Dependency and Risk Factors of Splanchnic Vein Thrombosis Development in the Early Phase of Acute Pancreatitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Borbola, Daniel
Comparison of the Accuracy of Two Intraoral Scanners by a Novel Method

Borsodi, Kinga
Investigation of bladder overactivity in a novel mouse model

Boussoussou, Melinda
Coronary CT-based FFR in patients with acute myocardial infarction may predict follow-up invasive FFR.

Bruzsik, Bíborka
Regulation of Contextual Fear Learning by Prelimbic Cortex-Projecting Anterior Basal Amygdala Neurons

Brys, Zoltán
Understanding the factors associated with smoke-free and aerosol-free homes among Hungarian cohabiting couples: a cross-sectional online survey

Budavári, Bálint Péter
Developement of Corticosteroid-loaded Liposomes

Buday, Zsolt
Afferents of the Paraventricular Thalamic Nucleus (PVT) and the Role of PVT in Stress Induced Behavioral Changes

Búr, Zsófia
Time-restricted feeding prevents adverse effects of a high-fat diet on the immune homeostasis

Carmi, Idan
The microenvironmental influence on intratumoral cellular heterogeneity of colorectal cancer

Chahwan, Valeria
Role of Sirpa in Post-Septic Pulmonary Immunity

Csáki, Réka
Role of the TREK-1 Potassium Channel in Pulmonary Arterial Resting Tone

Császár, Eszter
The Role of Microglia-mediated Mechanisms in the Modulation of Cerebral Blood Flow

Czárán, Domonkos
Neutrophil Effector Functions are Significantly Enhanced in the Presence of Bicarbonate

Czigléczki, Janka
Functionally important C-terminus of small GTPase Ran: exploring its nucleotide-specific conformational surface

Czoch, Ákos
Resting-state Fractal Brain Connectivity is Associated with Impaired Cognitive Performance in Healthy Aging

Dallos, Rita
Examination of the burden of family members caring for a demented patient

Danics, Lea
Phosphoproteomic Analysis Reveals Post-Transcriptional Dysregulation in Huntington’s Disease Patient-Derived Induced Neurons

Dankó, Titanilla
Differences in the Bioenergetic and Metabolic Processes of Resistance Mechanisms in In Vitro 2D, 3D and In Vivo Tumor Models

Demeter, Flóra
The detrimental synergistic effect of hypoxia and complement MASP-1 in the atherosclerosis-related diseases, on endothelial cell model

Dobó, Máté
The study of hysteresis using high performance liquid chromatography on polysaccharide type stationary phases

Dobos, Dóra
Microstructural Differences in Migraine: a Diffusion-Tensor Imaging Study

Dóra, Török
Investigating the Association Between Polygenic Risk Score of Depression and Functional Connectivity of the Nucleus Accumbens in Healthy Individuals: Distinct Role of SIRT1

Dorottya, Gergő
Efficacy of Peppermint Essential Oil for Reducing the Symptoms of Nausea and Vomiting: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Drobni D., Zsófia
Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors and Progression of Atherosclerosis Among Patients with Lung Cancer

Dzhalilova, Dzhuliia
Morphological Characteristics of Colon Adenocarcinoma in Male Mice with Different Resistance to Hypoxia

Dzhalilova, Dzhuliia
Morphological and molecular-biological Characteristics of Glioblastoma in Male Rats with Different Resistance to Hypoxia

Egyed, Bálint
Beyond single genetic aberrations: an integrative copy number alteration-driven scoring guide to refine cytogenetic risk stratification in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemiA

Enikő, Major
The Significance of LPA-Induced Death Receptor 6 Expression in Tumor Cell Cytokine Release

Eörsi, Dániel
Adolescents’ attitude towarIs Safe Sex May Be Measured without Being Influenced by Socio Economic Background Parameters

Erdelyi-Hamza, Berta
CLOCK gene plays role in the genetic background of depression after stressful life events – a GWAS study

Eszlári, Nóra
Olfactory Receptors as a Potential Pathomechanism for Depression When No Classic Risk Factors Are Present in Women? Genomic Results from the UK Biobank Cohort

Fábián, Alexandra
Biventricular structural and functional adaptation to regular, intense exercise in the young: a 3D echocardiographic study in adolescent athletes

Fazekas, Csilla Lea
Activation of VGLUT3 positive neurons in the median raphe region facilitate long-term memory formation in spatial learning task

Fazekas, Szuzina
Pre-embolization Volumetry of Uterine Leiomyomas using Self-adapting Machine Learning Frameworks

Fazekas, Tamás
PARP inhibitor’s efficacy is comparable to platinum chemotherapy in BRCA1/2 positive metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer – a systematic review and meta-analysis

Fazekas, Tamás
The Impact of Concomitant Medication on the Efficacy of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy in Patients with Urothelial Carcinoma

Ferencz, Bence
NEM JELENT MEG Expression patterns and prognostic relevance of subtype-specific transcription factors in surgically resected small-cell lung cancer: an international multicenter study

Fésü, Dorottya
Post-COVID interstitial lung disease in symptomatic patients after COVID-19 disease

Forgách, László
Prussian Blue Nanoparticles as isotope-labeled and fluorescent contrast material

Forgács-Kristóf, Katalin
A pilot feasibility study of the M3 Training: Enhancing readiness to change among adolescents with chronic pain

Fülöp, Ágnes
Pretreatment with NAD+ Precursor (NMN) Attenuates Ischemic Injury and Improves Postischemic Cardiac Function in Aged Mouse Hearts

Füzesi, Brigitta
Health literacy among Hungarian diabetic patients

G. Horváth, Csenge
Searching for Novel EEG Measures of Fundamental Sleep Regulatory Processes

Gagyi, Endre-Botond
The risk factors of acute pancreatitis progression into recurrent acute pancreatitis and chronic pancreatitis. A systematic review and meta – analysis.

Galambos, Anna
Glycine transporter-1 Inhibitors delay the development of morphine antinociceptive tolerance in rats

Garádi, Zsófia
The Contribution of NMR to the Characterization of Isomeric Human Milk Oligosaccharides

Garmaa, Gantsetseg
Pioglitazone reverses TGF-Beta induced miR-130A and miR-199 dysregulation in mice

Gáspár, Zsófia
Outcomes of high-risk adult outpatients with haematological malignancies treated with early remdesivir therapy during the SARS-CoV-2 omicron era: a single-centre prospective cohort study from the national centre of Hungary

Gecse, Kinga
Inverse relationship between trait-anxiety and periaqueductal gray connectivity in migraineurs compared to tension-type headache patients

Gém, Janka Borbála
Role of tyrosine-kinases in the angiotensin II-induced gene expressional changes in vascular smooth muscle cells

Gergely, Tamás
Cardiotoxicity of anti-PD-1 immune checkpoint inhibitor in mice with prior cardiac ischemic injury

Ghare, Sara
Intracardiac Leadless Pacemaker: Long Term Safety Over Traditional Pacemakers. A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Ghosal, Sayam
Deciphering the molecular landscape of the intraluminal or plasma membrane origin of extracellular vesicles and exomere.

Giunashvili, Nino
Non-steroid anti-inflammatory treatment enhances the efficacy of modulated electro hyperthermia on triple negative breast cancer and melanoma cancer models in vivo.

Göcz, Balázs Gergő
Identification of Sex Steroid-Dependent Transcriptomic Changes in Kisspeptin Neurons of the Male Mouse

Gomaa, Nariman
Tolperisone-Pregabalin Combination Alleviates Pain in Rats with Peripheral Mononeuropathy

Gönczi, Lóránt
Declining trends of reoperations and disease behavior progression in Crohn’s disease over different therapeutic eras – a prospective population-based study from western Hungary between 1977–2020, data from the Veszprem cohort

Grebur, Kinga
Different methods, different results? Threshold-based versus conventional contouring techniques in clinical practice

Gubucz-Pálfalvi, Sejla
Validation and psychometric properties of the Stages of Change Readiness and Treatment Eagerness Scale in Hungary

Gulyás, Lili
Analysis of the Glycosylation Pattern and Concentration of Alpha-1-acid Glycoprotein as a New Biomarker in Malignant Melanoma

Guzmits, Kornelia
Quantitative determination of neutrophil extracellular trap components in the systemic circulation of patients with arterial thrombosis and malignacy

Gyulay, Kata K
Radiofrequency Ablation Treatment of Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma in Hungary

Haghighi, Arezoo
Altered Intestinal Expression of Pattern Recognition Receptors and Distinct Antimicrobial Peptides in Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug-Induced Enteropathy

Haghighi, Samaneh
The Effect of Macrophages on Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells in Vitro

Haghighi, Samaneh
Drug and Dose-dependent Tissue Injury in the Rat Renal Medulla after Chronic Treatment with NSAIDs

Hajdrik, Polett
Investigating the Systemic Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Golden Syrian Hamsters

Hajnal, Benjamin
A new artificial intelligence-based method for the automatic adjustment of lumbar 3D spine models to standing radiographs

Herczeg, Vivien
Thyroid Disturbances After SARS-CoV-2 Infection and the effect of COVID-19 Vaccination in Children

Holczer, Marianna
The study of autophagy-dependent survival in endoplasmic reticulum stress

Hon-Balla, Bernadett
The Role of Dermatologists in the Early Recognition of Cardiovascular Disease in Patients with Moderate-to-Severe Psoriasis

Horti-Oravecz, Klaudia
RNA-based analyses might optimize the diagnosis of Lynch syndrome

Horváth, Hanga Réka
Real-life Experience of Lanadelumab Prophylaxis After Six Months in Hungarian Patients with Hereditary Angioedema due to C1-inhibitor-deficiency

Horváth, Márton
Biventricular characteristics of left ventricular noncompaction using 3D echocardiography.

Irawan, Anggi Septia
M-health Adoption in Indonesia: Investigating the Use of M-health by Pediatricians

Johanna, Takács
Impairments of Verbal Working Memory in Young Females in Post-COVID-19 Condition: Vaccination Prevents Cognitive Impairments

Johnsson, Natali
Healthcare staff’s perceptions of self-care monitoring for patients living with venous leg ulcers

Juhász, Anna Evelin
Ranking the effectiveness of 16 dietary fibre types on glycemic parameters in patients with type 2 diabetes

Juhasz, Vencel
Adaptation of the left and right atrium to sports activity - a study with feature tracking cardiac magnetic resonance

Jurányi, Eszter Petra
Critical re-investigations of alkylation reactions in relation to the detection of per- and polysulfide species in cells

Kalabay, Márton
Tumor inhibitory mechanism of novel tamoxifen derivates on breast- and pancreatic cancer cell lines

Kálmán, Eszter Éva
Investigation of the interactions of the GADD34 (growth arrest and DNA damage [GADD]‐inducible34) protein

Kammerhofer, Gábor
Association between Hyperglycemia and Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (MRONJ)

Káposzta, Zalán
Detrended Cross-correlation Analysis Reveals Neurophysiological Correlates of Cognitive Deficits Related to Healthy Aging

Káposztás, Eszter
The effect of a specific Syk tyrosine-kinase inhibitor in autoantibody-induced experimental arthritis

Karádi, Dávid Árpád
Effect of Concomitant Administration of Telmisartan and Morphine on Mononeuropathic Pain and Opioid Antiniciceptive Tolerance in Rats

Kazsoki, Adrienn
Formulation of Innovative Electrospun Ocular Inserts for the Treatment of Dry Eye Syndrome

Kegyes-Brassai, Anna
The Role of Sleep Structure Analysis in the Recognition of Alzheimer's Spectrum Disease

Kelemen, Hanga
The Role of Inflammation-induced Sensitization in Long-term Behavioural Deficits in a Mouse Model of Perinatal Asphyxia

Keller, Dávid
Control of Social Grooming by a Thalamo-Preoptic Neuronal Pathway

Kemecsei, Eva
Characterization of the Role of Lymphatics in Autoimmune Arthritis

Keresztes, Dávid
In Silico and In Vitro Investigation of NAMPT in the Chemotherapy Resistance of Prostate Cancer

Khochanskiy, Dmitry
Age-related Changes of Microglia in Wistar Rats

Király, Zsófia
Decreased Serum Level of Soluble PD-L1 in Discoid Lupus Erythematosus, but not in Subacute Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus

Királyhidi, Panna
The Protein Corona of Extracellular Vesicles in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Kis, Balázs
Activation of autophagy by targeting the AMPK pathway as a treatment strategy for Huntington’s disease

Kiss, Bálint
Nanomechanical process of SARS-CoV-2 infection

Kiss, Boldizsar
Prophylactic versus clinically-driven antibiotics after successful resuscitation: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Kiss, Laura
The Clinical Relevance of EZH2 Mutation-Based Liquid-Biopsy Test in Follicular Lymphoma

Kiss, Norbert
Dermoscopy-guided High-frequency Ultrasound Can Differentiate Aggressive Histological Subtypes of Basal Cell Carcinoma

Kokas, Márton
Astrocyte: Cell for all season or simple glutamine factory? – Tricarboxylic acid cycle in astrocytes

Komlosi, Ferenc
Specle tracking strain analysis predicts mortality and ventricular tachycardia recurrence after catheter ablation in patients with structural heart disease

Koncz, Petra
The effect of the JAK inhibitor tofacitinib in experimental autoimmune skin blistering

Koncz, Szabolcs
Effects of Ketamine Enantiomers on Sleep-Wake Parameters in Rats

Kondé, Márton
Assessment of cognitive function before cochlear implantation

Kontra, Bence
A Novel, Straightforward Synthetic Approach for the Preparation of Quinoline Photocages

Körmendy, Borbála
Predicting residual cholesteatoma with the Potsic staging system

Kotmayer, Lili
Germline GATA2 mutations in familial MDS/AML: a manually curated online registry from the ERAPERMED GATA2-HuMo international consortium

Kovács, Kinga Bernadett
The Substantial Role of p38-MAP Kinase in Angiotensin II-induced Cholesterol-25-hydroxylase Upregulation and 25-hydroxycholesterol Effects in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells

Kovács, Orsolya Tünde
The investigation of a new BRET system to study protein interactions

Kovács, Szonja Anna
Potential role of Yes-Associated Protein 1 (YAP1) as a biomarker for anti-PD-1 resistance

Kovács, Tamás
The combined use of immune checkpoint inhibitors and olaparib to reduce cardiotoxic side effects

Kovácsházi, Csenger
Hypercholesterolemia alters the extracellular vesicle secretion of cardiomyocytes

Kozák, Anna
The relationship between emotional intelligence, burnout, and workplace resources among Hungarian social care leaders

Kucsera, Dániel
IL‑1β inhibition prevents diastolic dysfunction development, but lacks hepatoprotective effect in an aged mouse model of NASH

Kulin, Anna
Genetic and regulatory background of the GLUT1 transporter expression – Potential relevance in complex diseases

Kumar, Sahel
Exploring the Effects of Citalopram on Gene Expression and the Serotonergic Receptor Pathway: A Neuroendocrine Challenge Study

Ladányi, Zsuzsanna
Myocardial Work as an Independent Predictor of Postoperative NT-proBNP after Transcatether Aortic Valve Replacement

Lakatos, Alexandra
Overcoming Resistance to Immune-Checkpoint Blockade due to Deficient Antigen Presentation in Melanoma Using In Vivo CrispR Screens

Láng, Tamás
Aggressive Behavior Modulated by Posterior Intralaminar Thalamic Neurons in Rats

László, Fazekas
Investigating tissue damage induced calcium signaling in zebrafish

Laszlo, Gruz
The Hungarian version of the extended Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory

László, Tamás
Clonal characterization and somatic hypermutation assessment by next-generation sequencing in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

Lengyel, Lívía
Evaluation of the patient's clinical outcome expectations undergoing total knee replacement - The Hospital for Special Surgery Knee Replacement Expectations Survey

Leroy Viana, Pedro Henrique
Enhancement of Modulated Electro-Hyperthermia (mEHT) Effects by Heat Shock Factor 1 (HSF1) Inhibition in Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) Mouse Model

Lesinszki, Lukács Sándor
The Role of the Myeloid Src-family Kinases in Nephrotoxic Nephritis

Lévai, Eszter
The Role of PARK7 in Peritoneal Dialysis Induced Peritoneal Membrane- and Vascular Transformation

Lévay, Erika Evelyn
Examining working memory in social context amongst patients with borderline personality disorder

Lévay, Klára
The Effect of Physical Prehabilitation on Induced Liver Regeneration After Partial Hepatectomy

Magyar, Tárek Zoltán
ECoG Spectral Parameters of Homeostatic Sleep Regulation

Majer, Aliz
Characterization of Native and Human Serum Albumin-bound Lysophosphatidic Acid Species and their Effect on the Viability of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in vitro

Márta, Katalin
Ineffectual Process Concerning the Initiation of Enteral Tube Feeding in Acute Pancreatitis. A Prospective, International, Multicenter Cohort Analysis of 1088 cases.

Masszi, Richard
Predictive Value of Scar Burden Assessed by Cardiac MRI on Sudden Cardiac Death in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Patients: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Máté, Posta
Identification of Disrupted Molecular Pathways and Promising Biomarkers for Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Using Systems Biology

Máté-Schwarcz, Dóra Anett
Microscopic cartography – why making and reading maps during our excursions within the brain may be useful

Medveczki, Timea
Fluvoxamine reduces TGF-β2-induced fibrotic changes in trabecular meshwork cells

Merkel-Pólos, Eperke
Obesity’s impact on short and long-term outcomes after cardiac resynchronization therapy

Meszaros, Agota
What could food taxes do for planetary health: a systematic review of modeling studies

Mészáros, Henriette
Atrial fibrillation is associated with increased long-term mortality in patients undergoing mechanical thrombectomy for acute ischaemic stroke by cerebral large vessel occlusion

Meznerics, Fanni Adél
Platelet-rich plasma in chronic wound management.

Miklós, Gabriella
Developing a Universal Computer-Brain Interface Using Spinal Cord Stimulation

Militello, Rosamaria
Sex-related adaptations to chronic in-season training

Minano-Garrido, Emilio José
Anorexia Nervosa Inpatient Physiotherapy Adapted Program (ANIPAP)

Miriam Hanna, Szakács
Maturational Status and Hierarchical Organization in the Adolescent Brain

Moldvai, Dorottya
Beyond the Petri Dish: Advancing Drug Development with 3D Bioprinted Tumor Models

Molnár, Adél
Proposal of novel risk prediction score for major adverse cardiovascular events in lupus nephritis

Moscoso, Paula
Predictive factors of intention to use non-immersive virtual reality in an intradialysis physical exercise program

Müller, Dalma
Analysis of DNA methylation in colorectal adenocarcinoma based on 2295 samples

Musa, Safaa Mohammed Omer
Development of Innovative Electrospun Nepafenac-Loaded Nanofibers-based Ophthalmic Inserts

Nagy, Alexandra
A reduction in body mass index (BMI) is a potential predictor of functional progression in patients with pulmonary fibrosis associated with connective tissue disease.

Nagy, Bence
mRNA sequencing of preimplantation murine embryos in relation to light exposure

Nagy, Bettina
Remote management of patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices during the COVID-19 pandemic

Nagy, Dávid
Identification of Inflammasome Markers in a Rat Model of Right Ventricular Dysfunction Induced by Left Ventricular Heart Failure

Nagy, Regina Norma
Role of Inflammasome Activation in Monocytes with Hypercholesterolemia

Nagy, Tamás
Pharmacological Characterization of Multimorbidity-Based Clusters in Depression

Nazarian, Sara
MDH2 reducing oxaloacetate to malate provides NAD+ to KGDHC during respiratory arrest supporting glutaminolysis and mitochondrial substrate-level phosphorylation

Nazli, Adila
Cytotoxic Malonyl-Caffeoylquinic Acid and Malonyl-Flavonoid Derivatives from Two Edible Apiaceae Plants Anthriscus cerefolium and Chaerophyllum bulbosum

Németh, Kristóf
Prognostic role of IL-1β, IL-18, and their antagonist proteins in pancreatic neoplasms

Nemeth, Orsolya
Five-year outcome of unprotected left main percutaneous coronary interventions: a single tertiary-care centre experience

Németh, Zsuzsanna
Complement MASP-1 influences endothelial wound healing

Niftullayev, Sadig
Role of Autophagy in Maintaining the Integrity of the Mitochondrial and the Nuclear Genomes

Nyergesné Závodi, Edit
PILOT programme for central graduate nurses at Bethesda Children's Hospital

Obeidat, Mahmoud
One in Four Patients with Gastrointestinal Bleeding develops Shock or Hemodynamic Instability: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Obeidat, Mahmoud
Early versus Delayed Enteral Nutrition in Patients after Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

Ocskay, Zsombor
CCBE1 Regulates the Development and Prevents the Age-dependent Degradation of Meningeal Lymphatics

Oláh, Gyöngyi
The Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health of Adolescent Boys: Evidence of Declining Trends

Ónodi, Zsófia
Inflammasome activity in the skeletal muscle and heart of rodent models for Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Oravecz, Orsolya
Evolutionary Changes in the Zinc Finger 554 (ZNF554) Locus in Anthropoid Primates: Implications for Deep Placentation and Preeclampsia

Orban-Szigeti, Boglarka
RTMS in schizophrenia to ameliorate negative symptoms

Őri, Adrienn
Analysis of Medical Malpractice Litigation Cases Resulting from Failure to Provide Information

Őri, Dorottya
The relationship between provider stigma towards people with mental illness and country indicators across Europe

Orosz, Gabriella
Unequal Tissue Distribution and Genetic Variability of Transcript Variants and Alternative Splicing of Human SCD5

Paál, Ágnes
Effects of Blunting Annexin A1 Expression in Small Cell Lung Cancer Cell Lines

Pál, Domonkos
Stability and Recovery Studies of Heparan Sulphate Disaccharides

Pál, Dorottya
Identification of Regulators of Ferroptotic Cell Death in Melanoma

Pál, Éva
Hyperandrogenism and Estrogen Deprivation Related Impairments in the Cerebrovascular Adaptation to Carotid Artery Occlusion in Vitamin D Receptor Deficient Female Mice

Pál-Jakab, Ádám
Predicting higher energy need for effective defibrillation using machine learning in an animal model

Pálla, Sára
Retrospective study of primary localized cutaneous amyloidosis

Pallag, Gergely
Supraphysiological Concentrations of Choline Oxidized in Mitochondria Support the Forward Operation of Adenine Nucleotide Translocase When Complex I is Inhibited

Pallag, Gergely
The Effect of Glutaminolysis Inhibitors on Synaptosomal Membrane Potential

Palmieri, Francesco
Promotion of Fibroblast-Myofibroblast Transition Through Modulation of Polyacrilamide Hydrogel Stiffness

Pap, Domonkos
PARK7 as a New Therapeutic Target in Pulmonary Fibrosis

Pap, Domonkos
Role of High Salt Intake in the Pathomechanism of Peritoneal Fibrosis

Parsons, Anna
Modelling Central Nervous Injury and Regeneration using Drosophila Melanogaster

Pejtsik, Diana
Cognitive and Emotional Factors Underlying Comorbid Anxiety and Depression.

Péterffy, Borbála
Identification of a potential novel biomarker for the assessment of central nervous system involvement in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Pokorni, Ágoston Jakab
The possible accelerating effect of cranial endplate damaging screws in severe adjacent disc degeneration - a finite element assisted study

Pölczman, Lea
A Focus Group Study on Students’ Experiences of the Semmelweis Mentoring Program

Polivka, Lörinc
Waning of SARS-Cov-2 vaccine effectiveness against delta variant in COPD patients

Pollák, Patrik
Kabachnik-Fields Reaction in Light of the Principles of Green Chemistry

Poppe, Adriana
Does the place of residence influence access to psychotherapy among children and adolescents in Cologne?

Pósfai, Balázs
Microglial Involvement in Alzheimer’s Disease and the Possible Role of SORL1

Pothorszki, Dóra
The effects of tramadol on sleep structure of rats for a consecutive passive and active phase

Puhl, Eszter
Cardiovascular safety of SGLT2i and GLP-1RA combination therapy: disproportionality analysis of the FDA adverse event reporting system

Rácz, Melinda
Feasibility of a novel EEG neurofeedback system—a pilot study

Rado, Nora
Health Technology and Peer Support Among Digitally Engaged People Living with Homelessness: A Qualitative Analysis

Rádosi, Alexandra
Concurrent and Prospective Associations of Reward Response with Affective and Alcohol Problems: ADHD-Related Differential Vulnerability

Ramírez Pavez, Tamara N.
Sulforaphane is able to Regulate the Activity of both M1 and M2 Human Macrophage Phenotypes

Rancz, Anett
Risk Factors of Microscopic Colitis: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Rokai, János
Improving ECoG recordings with missing electrodes for classification through deep learning

Saba, Khatatneh
Investigating the Heat Shock Protein 90 Interactome in C. elegans

Sallai, Eszter Zsófia
The Experiences of a Longitudinal Study on Decision Making in Neonatal Care in Hungary

Sárkány, Orsolya
Investigation of the circadian rhythm in Neurospora crassa model organism

Sasvári, Péter
Revealing Hidden Connections: Screening the Neutrophilic Granulocyte Interactome for Lesser-Known Interactions

Sayour, Alex Ali
Association between serum GDF15 levels and all–cause mortality in heart failure patients undergoing heart transplantation

Sayour, Viktor Nabil
Severity Of Immune Checkpoint Inhibition-Induced Cardiotoxicity Depends On Sex And Comorbidities: A Mouse Study

Schneider, Bence
Parameters of the EEG spectrum as quantifiers of human sleep

Schulc, Klára
IDPredict: Predicting disordered proteins as potential predictive biomarkers for targeted therapies with a machine learning approach based on network topological data

Schvarcz, Csaba
Synergism between methotrexate and modulated electro-hyperthermia is mediated by H19 lnc-RNA

Schwertner, Walter Richard
Predictors of Pacing-induced Cardiomyopathy

Sebők-Welker, Tünde
Association of Serotonergic Polymorphisms With Aggression in ADHD

Shailaja, Kanni Das
Use of Cu-64 to Radiolabel and Track Bacterial Outer Membrane Vesicles In Vivo With PET

Shenker-Horváth, Kinga
Physiological Significance of the Endocannabinoid System and its Role in Hypertension

Simon, Balázs
Synthesis and characterization of N-aminoalkyl-morphine structured haptens

Simon, Botond
The Effect of Sex and Ethnicity on palatal scan based human identification

Simon, Márton
Exploring the Impact of the Cystic Fibrosis Causing Mutations ΔF508 and G551D on the CFTR – PKA Interaction

Sipos, Zsolt
Effectiveness of counselling and pastoral counselling, with special attention to the spiritual dimensions of the counsellor and the counselee

Somsák, Zsuzsa
Do therapists change personally while learning emotionally focused couples therapy?

Soós, Ádám
Generation and Differentiation of Neurospheres from Avian Enteric Nervous System

Soós, András Áron
The importance of fibroblast heterogeneity in the tumorigenesis of colorectal cancer

Șulea, Cristina M.
Nanoscale structural comparison of fibrillin-1 microfibrils isolated from Marfan and non-Marfan syndrome human aorta

Suszták, Nóra
Improved Accuracy of Lymph Node Staging and Long-Term Survival Benefit in Colorectal Cancer With Ex Vivo Arterial Methylene Blue Infiltration

Szabó, Adrienn
Disturbed hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis in the 3xTg-AD mice model of Alzheimer’s disorder

Szabó, Ákos
Comparing EQ-5D-5L, PROPr, SF-6D and TTO utilities in patients with chronic skin diseases

Szabó, Dominik
Psychometric Properties of the Hungarian version of the Disgust Scale-Revised (DS-R)

Szabó, Dominika
Incidence rates of the different initial rhythms during out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation and mortality of patients presenting ST elevation myocardial infarction

Szabó, Georgina
Affective Temperaments Robustly Influence Treatment Success of Assisted Reproduction Interventions

Szabó, István Viktor
Prognostic power of deep-learning automated coronary artery calcium score and quantitative pneumonia burden in patients hospitalized with COVID-19

Szabó, Johanna Petra
Intracortical Mechanisms of After-discharges Elicited by Intracranial 50 Hz Stimulation of Epileptic Patients

Szabó, Liliána
Cardiovascular Adaptation in a Large Cohort Across the Physical Activity Spectrum: A Comprehensive Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Study

Száraz, Lili
FDG-PET Brain Imaging in the Evaluation and Follow-up of COVID-19

Szász, Csenge
Optimization of a microplate-based functional assay to investigate collagen production in vitro

Szász, Zsófia
Multiparametric study of peptide-based daunorubicin conjugates for targeted therapy of pancreatic tumour cell line

Szebik, Huba
Altered Prefrontal Cortical Serotonergic Neurotransmission Is Associated With Post-weaning Social Isolation-induced Abnormal Social Behaviour

Szeitz, Beáta
Computational Strategies to Increase Confidence in Variant Peptide Identifications in Proteomic Datasets

Szekér, Patrik
Developing Selective Kv1.3 Inhibitors for the Treatment of Autoimmune Diseases

Széles, Aliz
Development and validation of an LC-MS/MS method for the quantification of 2,3-epoxypropyl isopropyl ether in rat plasma

Szentpéteri, Szófia
Examination the interleukin 1A and 1B polymorphisms in medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw

Sziklai, Dominik
Nanomechanical comparison of liposomes and enveloped viruses

Szilvia, Kresznerits
The role of MBCT in a fragmented world: coping with overwhelming negative emotions in borderline personality disorder

Szily, Dorottya
Early maladaptive schemas, maladaptive personality traits and personality functioning in body representations and body dysmorphic disorder

Szimon, Petra
Coping Strategies in Relation to Dimensions of Death Awareness and Meaning of Life - Connection between Fear of Death, Coping and the Meaning of Life with the Context of Pre-and Post COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts

Szluka, Péter
Publication Strategy and Follow-up of Publications

Szőcs, Emőke
Analysis of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Interactions in Initial Formation of the Avian Primary Lymphoid Organs

Szolláth, Rita
Influence of Centrifugation on Solubility Measurements

Sztankovics, Dániel
Investigation of the presumed RICTOR amplification and its potential role in targeted therapy of different malignant tumours

Takács, Ákos
Significance of CDK12 expression in the resistance to PARP inhibitors in BRCA1/2 mutant breast cancers

Takács, Tímea Tünde
The impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection on the outcome of acute ischemic stroke-A retrospective cohort study

Tamás, Szimonetta
Live visualization of LTB4 gradients with a novel fluorescent biosensor

Tar, Alexandra
Efficiency Improvement of In Vitro Translation Systems with an Aptamer-based Approach

Tibori, Kinga
ETS1- and trans fatty acid-dependent regulation of SCD1 expression modified by the promoter polymorphism rs1054411

Tolvaj, Máté
Discordance Between Conventional Functional Parameters and 3D Echocardiography-derived Ejection Fraction in the Detection of Right Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction

Tordai, Csongor
Transcriptomic comparison reveals altered neural differentiation and synaptic function in schizophrenia patient-derived iPSC-based hippocampal neurons with ZMYND11 mutation

Torres Constante, Karen Odalys
Metadynamics for ABCG36 Transport Pathway Characterization

Tóth, Ádám
Molecular Characterization of Pathological and Tissue-specific TRPM2 Cation Channel Variants

Tóth, Ákos
Protective effects of Sigma-1 Receptor Agonists in Renal Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury

Tóth, Csillag Virág
Vitamin D Deficiency Associated with Age-dependent Vascular Dysfunction in Mice

Tóth, Dániel
Substrate selectivity of Sulfotransferase Isoenzymes, results based on Molecular Dynamics and Virtual Screening

Tóth, Laura Mária
Investigating the impact of obesity on postoperative complications in ulcerative colitis: Systematic review and meta-analysis

Tóth, Nóra Melinda
SARS-CoV2 Vaccination In Hungarian IPF Patients

Tóth-Szumutku, Fanni
Co-occuring Genetic Syndromes Modifing the Phenotype of 22q11.2 Microdeletion Syndrome

Trinh, Sarolta
Synchronous cerebral rSO2 and mean arterial pressure changes in neonates undergoing general anesthesia

Turbucz, Máté
Semirigid Spinal Fixation Techniques Could Help Prevent Proximal Junctional Kyphosis – A Finite Element Study

Turbucz, Máté
Patient-Specific Bone Modeling Can Better Predict Biomechanical Outcomes of Sacral Fracture Fixations

Üveges, Elina
Copper Trafficking of KRAS Mutant Cell Lines

Vágó-Szincsák, Sára
Bacterial Urine Proteome might Predict Immunotherapy Outcomes in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients

Vámosi-Galajda, Noémi Ágnes
The effect of tumor necrosis factor inhibitors on the risk of cardiovascular events in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: preliminary result from a systematic review and meta-analysis

Váradi, Barnabás
Transcriptomic analysis of the adrenal gland in rat model of chronic heart failure

Váradi, Melinda
Efficacy of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy for Advanced Urothelial Carcinoma in Real-Life Clinical Practice: Results of a Multicentric, Retrospective Study

Várbíró, Szabolcs
Cardiometabolic Effects of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Varga, Bence Tamás
On the path of establishing a viable neurovascular uncoupling model in rats

Varga, Kamilla
Role of resveratrol in in vitro neuronal insulin signaling

Varga, Luca
Molecular Subgroup Classification in Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma: First Results of the DLBCL Molecular Profiling Program in Hungary

Varga, Noémi
Comparison of Optically Guided High-Frequency Ultrasound and Multispectral Imaging for the Estimation of Tumor Thickness of Malignant Melanoma

Varga, Tamás
Macrophage Mediated Pulmonary Vasoconstriction in Human Lung Samples

Vass, Ágota
Transdiagnostic EEG Microstate Analysis in Schizophrenia and Autism Spectrum Disorder – Can Microstate Parameters Aid the Differential Diagnosis of the Two Dysconnectivity Disorders?

Vass, Krisztina Rubina
Structural and biochemical investigation of the human alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase enzyme complex

Vass, Zsolt
Estrogen Dependent Vascular Responses and Estrogen Levels in CB1R-KO Mice

Vasvári, Gergely Pál
Hungarian Version of the Mainzer Audiometric Test for Children

Vattay, Borbála
Changes in coronary plaque component volumes comparing different virtual monoenergetic images using photon-counting computed tomography

Veres, Szilárd
The Cardiac Effects of Regular Alcohol Consumption

Veres-Székely, Apor
Microplate-based in vitro assays to investigate the main functions of fibroblasts

Veszelyi, Krisztina Nóra
The Epigenetic Role of Ascorbate in GLUT10/L-Gulonolactone Oxidase Double Knockout Mice

Vilimi, Zsófia
A Comparative Study on the Effect of Different Oils on the Properties of Poloxamer-Based Hydrogels for Vaginal Candidiasis Treatment

Virág, Dávid
Introduction of a New Alkylating Agent for the Mass Spectrometry-Based Absolute Quantification of Proteins and Glycoproteins

Vlahovic, Kristina
Spray Drying Process Parameter Optimization for Co-processed Materials

Vojnits, Blanka
Resting-state EEG characteristics in ADHD

Voniatis, Konstantinos
Polymer nanocomposites development for wound healing applications

Würsching, Tamás
Alveolar cleft hard- and soft tissue reconstruction with an autogenous tooth derived particulate graft and a novel split thickness papilla curtain flap

Yahya, Kamel
A rare neurodegenerative disease in childhood - neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis

Zámodics, Márk
Evaluation and application of treadmill Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing and field measurement results of female national team water polo players

Zichó, Krisztián
Novel Pontine Inhibitory Nucleus Regulates Reward Experience

Zsigmond, Réka Ildikó
Clinical, immunological and brain imaging investigation of first episode psychosis patients