PhD Scientific Days 2023

Budapest, 22-23 June 2023

Molecular Sciences - Posters L

10:30 – 10:35 Tóth, Ádám
Molecular Characterization of Pathological and Tissue-specific TRPM2 Cation Channel Variants
10:36 – 10:41 Berta, Blanka
The Effect of SARS-CoV-2 E Protein on the SERCA Regulatory System
10:42 – 10:47 László, Fazekas
Investigating tissue damage induced calcium signaling in zebrafish
10:48 – 10:53 Veszelyi, Krisztina Nóra
The Epigenetic Role of Ascorbate in GLUT10/L-Gulonolactone Oxidase Double Knockout Mice
10:54 – 10:59 Tóth, Dániel
Substrate selectivity of Sulfotransferase Isoenzymes, results based on Molecular Dynamics and Virtual Screening
11:00 – 11:05 Șulea, Cristina M.
Nanoscale structural comparison of fibrillin-1 microfibrils isolated from Marfan and non-Marfan syndrome human aorta
11:06 – 11:11 Keresztes, Dávid
In Silico and In Vitro Investigation of NAMPT in the Chemotherapy Resistance of Prostate Cancer
11:12 – 11:17 Vass, Krisztina Rubina
Structural and biochemical investigation of the human alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase enzyme complex
11:18 – 11:23 Barsi, Szilvia
A large-scale statistical model inferring receptor activities from gene expression provides insights into intercellular communication
11:24 – 11:29 Gém, Janka Borbála
Role of tyrosine-kinases in the angiotensin II-induced gene expressional changes in vascular smooth muscle cells
11:30 – 11:35 Takács, Ákos
Significance of CDK12 expression in the resistance to PARP inhibitors in BRCA1/2 mutant breast cancers
11:36 – 11:41 Niftullayev, Sadig
Role of Autophagy in Maintaining the Integrity of the Mitochondrial and the Nuclear Genomes