PhD Scientific Days 2023

Budapest, 22-23 June 2023

Clinical Medicine - Posters I

10:30 – 10:35 Borbola, Daniel
Comparison of the Accuracy of Two Intraoral Scanners by a Novel Method
10:36 – 10:41 Kammerhofer, Gábor
Association between Hyperglycemia and Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (MRONJ)
10:42 – 10:47 Gagyi, Endre-Botond
The risk factors of acute pancreatitis progression into recurrent acute pancreatitis and chronic pancreatitis. A systematic review and meta – analysis.
10:48 – 10:53 Suszták, Nóra
Improved Accuracy of Lymph Node Staging and Long-Term Survival Benefit in Colorectal Cancer With Ex Vivo Arterial Methylene Blue Infiltration
10:54 – 10:59 Fazekas, Tamás
PARP inhibitor’s efficacy is comparable to platinum chemotherapy in BRCA1/2 positive metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer – a systematic review and meta-analysis
11:00 – 11:05 Kondé, Márton
Assessment of cognitive function before cochlear implantation
11:06 – 11:11 Vasvári, Gergely Pál
Hungarian Version of the Mainzer Audiometric Test for Children
11:12 – 11:17 Grebur, Kinga
Different methods, different results? Threshold-based versus conventional contouring techniques in clinical practice
11:18 – 11:23 Babity, Mate
Relationship between Short-term Heart Rate Variability and Fitness Parameters among Youth National Water Polo Players
11:24 – 11:29 Zámodics, Márk
Evaluation and application of treadmill Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing and field measurement results of female national team water polo players
11:30 – 11:35 Merkel-Pólos, Eperke
Obesity’s impact on short and long-term outcomes after cardiac resynchronization therapy
11:36 – 11:41 Schwertner, Walter Richard
Predictors of Pacing-induced Cardiomyopathy
11:42 – 11:47 Száraz, Lili
FDG-PET Brain Imaging in the Evaluation and Follow-up of COVID-19
11:48 – 11:53 Fazekas, Szuzina
Pre-embolization Volumetry of Uterine Leiomyomas using Self-adapting Machine Learning Frameworks