PhD Scientific Days 2023

Budapest, 22-23 June 2023

Pharmaceutical Sciences - Posters E

11:00 – 11:05 Haghighi, Arezoo
Altered Intestinal Expression of Pattern Recognition Receptors and Distinct Antimicrobial Peptides in Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug-Induced Enteropathy
11:06 – 11:11 Kovács, Tamás
The combined use of immune checkpoint inhibitors and olaparib to reduce cardiotoxic side effects
11:12 – 11:17 Czigléczki, Janka
Functionally important C-terminus of small GTPase Ran: exploring its nucleotide-specific conformational surface
11:18 – 11:23 Musa, Safaa Mohammed Omer
Development of Innovative Electrospun Nepafenac-Loaded Nanofibers-based Ophthalmic Inserts
11:24 – 11:29 Nazarian, Sara
MDH2 reducing oxaloacetate to malate provides NAD+ to KGDHC during respiratory arrest supporting glutaminolysis and mitochondrial substrate-level phosphorylation
11:30 – 11:35 Vilimi, Zsófia
A Comparative Study on the Effect of Different Oils on the Properties of Poloxamer-Based Hydrogels for Vaginal Candidiasis Treatment
11:36 – 11:41 Barna, Ádám Tibor
Effect sugar cores and active pharmaceutical ingredient osmolality on the release of multiparticulate dosage form
11:42 – 11:47 Vlahovic, Kristina
Spray Drying Process Parameter Optimization for Co-processed Materials
11:48 – 11:53 Balogh, Olivér
Generative Machine Learning Framework for the Prediction of Links in PPI Networks
11:54 – 11:59 Galambos, Anna
Glycine transporter-1 Inhibitors delay the development of morphine antinociceptive tolerance in rats
12:00 – 12:05 Széles, Aliz
Development and validation of an LC-MS/MS method for the quantification of 2,3-epoxypropyl isopropyl ether in rat plasma
12:06 – 12:11 Kucsera, Dániel
IL‑1β inhibition prevents diastolic dysfunction development, but lacks hepatoprotective effect in an aged mouse model of NASH