PhD Scientific Days 2023

Budapest, 22-23 June 2023

Mental Health Sciences - Posters M

10:30 – 10:35 Szabó, Georgina
Affective Temperaments Robustly Influence Treatment Success of Assisted Reproduction Interventions
10:36 – 10:41 Somsák, Zsuzsa
Do therapists change personally while learning emotionally focused couples therapy?
10:42 – 10:47 Szimon, Petra
Coping Strategies in Relation to Dimensions of Death Awareness and Meaning of Life - Connection between Fear of Death, Coping and the Meaning of Life with the Context of Pre-and Post COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts
10:48 – 10:53 Dóra, Török
Investigating the Association Between Polygenic Risk Score of Depression and Functional Connectivity of the Nucleus Accumbens in Healthy Individuals: Distinct Role of SIRT1
10:54 – 10:59 Kozák, Anna
The relationship between emotional intelligence, burnout, and workplace resources among Hungarian social care leaders
11:00 – 11:05 Becsei, Lilla
Who wants to be an engineer? Context of secondary school students' STEM further education plans
11:06 – 11:11 Sipos, Zsolt
Effectiveness of counselling and pastoral counselling, with special attention to the spiritual dimensions of the counsellor and the counselee
11:12 – 11:17 Báldy, Barbara
Patients about Patient Safety
11:18 – 11:23 Vojnits, Blanka
Resting-state EEG characteristics in ADHD
11:24 – 11:29 Lengyel, Lívía
Evaluation of the patient's clinical outcome expectations undergoing total knee replacement - The Hospital for Special Surgery Knee Replacement Expectations Survey
11:30 – 11:35 Erdelyi-Hamza, Berta
CLOCK gene plays role in the genetic background of depression after stressful life events – a GWAS study