PhD Scientific Days 2024

Budapest, 9-10 July 2024

Poster Session C - Mental Health Sciences 1.

14:45 – 14:48 Lengyel, Anna
Validation and Psychometric Properties of the Karitane Parenting Confidence Scale’s Modified Version in Hungary
14:50 – 14:53 Varga, Noémi Éva
Factors determining the duration of forced medical treatment
14:55 – 14:58 Kalla, Éva
Mentalization and emotion regulation. Factor structure and psychometric characteristics of the Hungarian version of the Mentalized Affectivity Scale (MAS): a cross-sectional study.
15:00 – 15:03 Napravszky, Noémi
Theoretical Framework for Understanding the Biopsychosocial Background of Early Regulatory Difficulties in Children with Down Syndrome
15:05 – 15:08 Lanyi, Orsolya
Cerebello-Thalamo-Cortical Network Dysconnectivity in Schizophrenia: A Coordinate-Based Meta-Analysis of Neuroimaging Studies
15:10 – 15:13 Trinh, Sarolta
Virtual reality as a tool for distraction in the perioperative period for anxiolysis in adolescents with pectus deformity: a randomized control trial
15:15 – 15:18 Biresaw, Mengesha
Changes in public attitude towards epilepsy in Hungary since 1994. A multi-criteria weighting analysis
15:20 – 15:23 Bik-Multanowska, Kinga
Mental Distress of Parents with Chronic Diseases During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Australia
15:25 – 15:28 Brys, Zoltán
Intra-couple health concordances in Hungarian cohabiting couples
15:30 – 15:33 Lengyel, Lívía
Evaluation of National Knee Arthroplasty Annual Reports
15:35 – 15:38 Bányai, Borbála
‘Behind the Curtains of Hoarding Behavior’: Preliminary Insights from a Hungarian Community Sample
15:40 – 15:43 Bacskai, Katalin
Survey of athletes' long-term satisfaction with online physiotherapy